Thursday 27 December 2012

Feedback Loops

Blood Sugar Level

High--> beta cells in pancreas secrete insulin into blood stream --> liver and adipose tissue store glucose as glycogen --> blood glucose level returns to homeostasis

Low -->alpha cells in pancreas secrete glucagon --> liver breaks down glycogen into glucose, adipose tissue release glucose --> blood glucose level returns to homeostasis


High --> excessive T3 & T4  inhibit the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary from producing TSH --> no TSH to stimulate the thyroid --> thyroid doesn't produce T3 & T4 --> metabolism returns to normal

Low --> hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete TSH --> TSH stimulates thyroid to produce T3 & T4 --> metabolism returns to normal

Calcium Level

High --> thyroid produces calcitonin --->calcitonin stimulates the bones to absorb and store calcium, the kidney slows the reabsorbtion of calcium --> calcium level returns to homeostasis

Low --> parathyroid produces PTH --> PTH stimulates the bones to release calcium, the kidney increases reabsorbtion of calcium and activates vitamin D which stimulates the intestines to absorb more calcium --> calcium level returns to homeostasis

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